Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today is Day 2 of juicing. The good thing is that the days are so busy that they are going by very fast.

We went to bed last night at 7:00 PM. The commercials on TV are annoying. Even sitcoms are annoying. Everyone is eating or talking about food!

I ended up buying a Breville juicer. I didn't like the pulp that you get using the Vitamix. I realize that the pulp is good for you, but I need to drink the juice quickly or else I would never finish the glass. So now we own the Vitamix and the Breville. I'm looking forward to smoothies with fruit that I really like once this juicing fast is over. Ten days doesn't seem very long, except for when you are at Day 2.

Dennis has a major headache today and I completely understand. He is detoxing from coffee. I did that in November, so I don't have the headaches anymore. We both are running to the bathroom a lot. We both are a bit edgy but when we get irritable we laugh about it. We know it's because we are hungry. He has actually been hungrier than me. I'm good drinking juice three times a day. I think he needs more than that. I dread mealtime, so I'm glad I'm not getting hungry more often.

We are both drinking plenty of water. That helps me with the hunger. It also keeps things moving! I did get on the scale today and I'm down two pounds. I know it's mostly water.

I do miss food. Eight days to go. I can't wait until it's over and I hate that I feel that way. Joe Cross talked about the journey in the movie "Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead". I should be enjoying the journey but I can't wait until it's over.

I think it's good that we're doing this fast during Lent. It seems very appropriate to do it now. I'm very proud of Dennis. He's very willing to do this and I know he's in pain with the headache and he's hungry all the time.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday, January 26, 2012

I watched the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" last night. I bought a juicer today. I'm at my highest weight ever and I can't take it anymore.

I know things won't get any better when I turn 50 and I'm 47 now. Being a woman, I understand that hormones are involved in my eating. I've been told that I suffer from PMS, PMDD and Fibromyalgia brought on by PMDD. Last year I had several cases of cellulitis which was first diagnosed as Lyme Disease. My right knee hurts every day. I know all of these conditions are weight-related.

It's time to save my life. It's time to start liking myself again. It's time to look at myself in the mirror again and care about myself.

I'm heading out to the grocery store now to stock up on kale, celery, granny smith apples, lemons, ginger, and cucumbers. Tomorrow my juicing journey begins. I figured that Lent was a good time to start a juice fast, at least it seems an appropriate time.

Blogging about my journey may help me to stay focused and be able to reflect back on my progress. It may also serve to help others who feel as lost as I do in the world of food and food addiction. Stay tuned. . .